A set of symbolic reparations that project the healing of Argentina.
symbolic reparationArgentina
Hiker, no road leads to the mountains. If you want to get there you will have to forge new paths.
A blockchain education art project that creates a collaborative and immutable colourful canvas.
I like to think that we are all the same stick. At the tip it seems that there is a crack and I would be the semiprecious stone joining and making pieces.
objectsemi precious stones
41 cards that function as an oracle.
Digital drawings
It was a browser extension for chrome and firefox that when installed removed the LIKE from the Facebook social network.
plugin chrome y firefox
Colour palette of different places or events.
Video of the energy of a toroid post-programming process, where the energy emanating from all matter is deformed and formed into different shapes.
The colours that most appear in the images when we search for the words water, earth, fire, metal and wood.
The human view and the computer's view. A process in search of a sense of perfection.
Acrylic on canvas post programming process.
Pantone RGB colours of a sunset.
A city constantly looking at the horizon between the sky and the sea, almost united by a line so straight that separates them.
It represents the life cycle of the jellyfish, where the circulating water allows this infinite movement. Work done with Mariano Giraud.
The fingerprint and the water are the specific activators. A piece whose symbolism brings to the present the idea of art as a means of healing.
Symbolic reparation through an imaginary of a meticulous study of the color of the sky that a prisoner in the ex-cell would have made.
Ritual-type installation where symbolic elements are put into play seeking to leave behind inherited programs that prevent artists from being able to make a living from their production.
Site-specific for the Festival bar where people were invited to reflect on their sorrows.
Compilation of politicians and celebrities from Latin America asking for forgiveness.
Each leader is tied to his investiture, the colors they wear are not random and in general they are tied to a protocol that is difficult to break. The clothing gives a status and allows them to be easily identified and exercise their power using it.
Site-specific en forma de reparación simbolica para la Fundación Fortabat. Realizada para poder generar un paisaje montañoso con la creación de un algoritmo basado en ruido orgánico.